HEROZ is a company that is leading the AI revolution and shaping the future.


Ai Tools Introduction

What is HEROZ?
HEROZ is a company that is leading the AI revolution and shaping the future. We have developed AI-related techniques, including deep learning accumulated through the development of shogi AI. Currently, we provide AI solutions called 'HEROZ Kishin' to various industries, not limited to shogi.
Q:What services does HEROZ provide?
A:HEROZ provides AI solutions, including deep learning techniques, to various industries.
Q:Is HEROZ limited to shogi AI?
A:No, HEROZ provides AI solutions for a wide range of challenges, not limited to shogi.
Q:Does HEROZ offer BtoC AI services?
A:Yes, HEROZ offers AI services for both BtoB and BtoC purposes.
Q:Can I contact HEROZ for more information?
A:Yes, you can contact us through the inquiry form on our website.

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