
Branded is a research platform that provides real consumer data and insights.


Ai Tools Introduction

What is Branded?
Branded is a research platform that provides real consumer data and insights.
How to use Branded?
To use Branded, you can create your own research using qualitative and quantitative methods or utilize their 3rd party services. You can also access their niche target audience for your studies. With their AI vetting, you can make critical business decisions backed by quality insights.
Branded's Core Features
Access to a niche research audience
AI verification of participant responses
Unique audience sampling
Automated API access to custom audience
Qualitative and quantitative research methods
AI-vetted insights
Branded's Use Cases
#1 Tech & Telecom
#2 Academic
#3 Consumer goods
#4 Financial
#5 Retail & Restaurants
#6 Healthcare
#7 Research agencies
#8 Product Development & Concept Testing
Q:What kind of research methods does Branded offer?
A:Branded offers a wide range of qualitative and quantitative research methods including webcam studies, emotional AI, and surveys.
Q:How does Branded ensure the quality of insights?
A:Branded uses AI to verify participant responses and remove poor actors with 95%+ accuracy, ensuring quality insights for decision-making.
Q:What industries does Branded cater to?
A:Branded serves industries such as Tech & Telecom, Academic, Consumer goods, Financial, Retail & Restaurants, Healthcare, Research agencies, and Product Development & Concept Testing.

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